The Eye Opener: Setting Realistic Goals


I’m back!! 🙂 Happy New Year to all of you!!! If you scroll down, you will see all 32 articles below, for your perusal. Going forward, I will be posting my weekly blog ‘The Eye Opener’ which will combine human life experiences with spiritual connections. I hope you will find them inspiring, enlightening, and reflective. Please contact me by email by visiting my’ contact’ page if you wish to reach out.

As we’ve settled into the new year, maybe certain expectations that we set out for ourselves have slowly started to dissipate into what we think are pipe dreams. It is our ‘human’ that got in the way leaving us with thoughts of a more realistic notion.

I know for myself, I plan more than I can realistically take on and then get disappointed with myself later because I couldn’t follow through. This is my own ego. So If I could just commit to one new class at the gym or one class per week that would be so much more attainable than 2 or 3 classes a week which seem very far-fetched right now. I shouldn’t set myself up to some great standard of what I ‘think’ I must do.

A lot of us go through life trying so hard to live up to these goals or tasks that we set for ourselves, is it any wonder that we crash and fall so hard when we can’t keep up? We also miss the enjoyment or benefit we were trying to gain. It’s almost as if we are setting ourselves up for disappointment each and every time. Then we fall to the conclusion that we are not good enough, smart enough, dedicated enough, or brave enough. This then becomes both sadness and anxiety; fear of not following through EGO wins again!

Don’t get me wrong, a little goes a long way, it is good for us to want to pursue things, set reasonable and attainable goals, and challenge and motivate ourselves to do better. But motivation is a drive from the mind and the mind only lives up to our human willpower capacity and so we can easily lose our will to follow through. If we train our minds to recognize our spirit within, we can then be inspired (inSPIRIT) and we are capable of doing just about anything! Our spirit within us can plan and mediate goals accordingly because it knows what we want deep down, and our spirit knows how to go about getting it and how long it will take to come to fruition. Our spirit is the special gift that we need to learn to use more. This gift was meant to help us in this complicated human world we live in. So feel that deep pull within you, of what you want to achieve, what lights you up, and what burns fire under you? Some people achieve this best while meditating, some while praying, some while sitting still, or some just when becoming lucid when waking up.

So back to that gym, my spirit knows that with my work and life schedule and with my physical strength right now, I can easily achieve one class a week of basic training. Achieving this will lighten my spirit because I have followed through. My mind will relax and turn all ego (anxiety too) will diminish, leaving only happiness, confidence, joy, and high-dopamine levels! Eventually, this feat will inspire me to go for my next challenge. It’s not so much pacing yourself, as it is pacing your human mind goals so that they are better attainable, achievable, and successful. Happiness will be inside you if you can follow this rhythm and then this happiness radiates out of you making everyone else happy too. It’s catchy!

Take this idea and keep your spirit- your gift with you in everything that you do and you will see a significantly positive experience in your everyday life. Bring this spirit, this soul, this divine gift within you; OUT! So everyone can see your divine strength instead of your ego!

Be part of the inSPIRITNation!! 🙂