Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky!

As I gazed up at the sky while sitting on my deck, sipping a cup of coffee, waiting for a stroke of genius to finally fill that place where the cursor once flashed at me from my laptop. It occurred to me that the parallelism between being a writer and the mighty sky is overwhelming. The sky is my safe haven. So while others try to reach it; I will kiss it!

A Writers struggle is as endless as the sky. We cope with poverty as we write our first draft of our masterpiece. Then we are faced with self-criticism as we edit our own work realizing that nothing is as it seems and our passion is as unending as the sky itself. This is similar to how we strive to complete the best query for a potential publisher, only to have it rejected. Our persistence must be fierce, relentless and inexhaustible as is the sky.

Writers must have a universal abundance of imagination as there is a universal abundance of sky that encompasses our Earth. The creativity that flows from a writer has to be unlimited in order for infinite possibilities to surface. We need to be able to have timeless determination as we face the challenges of cycles that we go through as a writer between writer’s block and negative reactions from others’. We must be persistent as the sky persists to accept dusk till dawn cycles with timeless repetition.

As a Writer, I want to dig deeper into the feelings and impressions that the sky’s ambiance releases. Every time that I look up at the sky it gives me a sense of inner freedom and tranquility. Sunrise greets me with a kiss on the cheek a waiting the eventful and productive day that is about to unfold.

It’s daytime splendor when a blue sky above offers a happy sensation of bliss when the sunshine glistens off of every one of God’s creations casting off impeccable beauty.

On a rainy day, I feel an obligatory duty to curl up with a good book with a soft, fluffy blanket and a steamy hot cup of coffee. Anticipation awaits as I am greeted with unique characters with every page that I turn. Each chapter is as inviting as each day that greets me.

Sunset is majestic with the shades of pinks, oranges, and reds that present a sense of romantic emotions that make us feel vulnerable to its magnitude. As night approaches a peaceful lull cascades that side of the Earth as every life form cools and relaxes.

Whether or not the city sleeps, the overwhelming sense of our Creator embraces us regardless the cycle. So you can see the many similarities between the sky and a writer. The sky welcomes every moment with a kiss so excuse me while I kiss the sky.  

By Christine Iliadis ~Author of Paradox of Freedom

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